Visualize and manage your Jira labels with at-a-glance quickness to save time and avoid mistakes- Make your issues more colorful


  • Built with Atlassian’s new Forge development platform for maximum speed and security
  • No data ever leaves your Jira instance 
  • Free up to 10 users

Manage your existing Jira labels , reorder, rename, merge, easily bulk add-remove labels , create new colored label fields and get label usage insights with custom reports  – no need to learn Jira Query Language (JQL) for that matter.

Say Goodbye to hyphens and underscores! Minimize potential pitfalls

We are proud to announce that  Colored Label Manager, have been awarded the "Rising Star" badge on the Atlassian Marketplace.


All the necessary features to manage existing labels in one intuitive interface

  Colored Label Manager helps you to visualize and manage your existing Jira labels with at-a-glance quickness to save time and avoid mistakes. Edit, rename, merge and delete duplicates – update misspelled or incorrect labels without having to go through each issue Make your issues more colorful

Foster Autonomy to Enhance Team Performance - delegate to project admin add values to select list field

  As a Jira  administrator you can save a lot of time in managing custom fields  ,  create new label fields and let each project administrator define their fields options with the team , no need to add , remove and edit fields options by your self for all teams . It’s a perfect fit for Definition of Done (DoD), Definition of Ready, Acceptance Criteria, or Simple select list managed per project.

Ability to use labels as select list field within your project

Stop flooding your label fields with redundant or wrong items. Keep control on label fields when it’s needed. As a project administrator you can take a workload from the Jira admins shoulders, you can make your label fields managed by your team if they are mature  enough or restrict it and define their options in the project by your self . Users are required to choose existing ones. This fosters consistency across select fields , In this example , Project admin Restricted the country label field then he added the items to the field in the project . Users are required to choose existing ones.

Improve your experience using bulk update labels


 Bulk add or remove labels from issues in one shot to save time. Clean up your labels in few clicks , eg: give a label to all tasks with status Done in your project.

No need to search, create complex filter,   and perform Jira bulk edit issues to label multiple issues in bulk.


Assess the team’s productivity and investigate potential blockers by looking at how long they’re spending on their work. with 3 fully customized reports based on labels which let you gather data from labels for yourself or others, such as your team, department, or even your whole company. You can then use these saved reports to manage your data, and print or export your report data for later use.

Most used labels

View the most popular used label items . You can make fully customized reports just by selecting options from dropdowns. For example, you can create a report that includes tickets with the 15 top used items from the label field Country within a certain period of time.

Get deeper label usage insights

  By applying filters, you can display the results in precisely the way you want — and then save the report so that it takes just one click to run it again whenever you need it. You can then use these saved reports to manage your data, and print or export your report data for later use. There’s absolutely no coding required and certainly no need to learn Jira Query Language (JQL) for that matter.You can make fully customized reports just by selecting options from dropdowns.



 We have worked hard to make sure Colored Label Manager comes with a smooth, intuitive, and fun user experience. Critical and commercial reception tells us we’ve succeeded. One of our customers told us that their people actually enjoy managing labels and all their select list fields using our app. Colored Label Manager behaves more like phone apps, which don’t require training courses, than business software, which so often does.

About Atlassway

We’re a global Atlassian Marketplace Partner that makes software to simplify Atlassian’s powerful platforms. Our flagship app, Colored Label Manager For Jira, continues to be one of the fastest growing paid apps in the Atlassian Marketplace.